CD4047 50Hz /60Hz 100W Inverter Circuit

The CD4047 CMOS-based two-MOSFET inverter circuit board is a square wave inverter that oscillating the input DC voltage at 50-60Hz frequency using an external transformer to produce a 220V AC output.

This mini inverter can be handy for camping and outdoor emergency work where electricity is unavailable to charge your device batteries with a charger or power AC light bulbs.

Here, we will discuss and explain the workings of this simple DC-AC power converter along with its circuit diagram.

Circuit Diagram

Schematic of cd4047 50hz /60hz 100w inverter circuit is shown below.

Working Explanation

The working principle of the CD4047 inverter circuit is simple, which converting input 12V DC into square wave 220V voltage. The main component is the DIP-14 CD4047BD CMOS integrated circuit configured in Monostable mode for generating PWM signal.

The DC supply passes through a rectifier diode (D1) to prevent reverse polarity. The IC CD4047 (U1) is powered through its VDD pin, with a series current-limiting resistor (R1) to ensure safe operation.

To achieve monostable mode in the IC, a high input is provided to the astable pins (AST, _AST), and an external capacitor (C1) is connected between the external capacitor pin (CX) and RC Common pin (RCC). The trigger pin (+T) is linked to a pulse generator that delivers a LOW-HIGH transition and a HIGH-LOW transition at the trigger pin (-T) by connecting it to the ground via the External Reset pin (RST).

Using a variable resistor (VR1) between pins (RX, RCC) determines the generated output PWM signals at pins (Q, _Q), which provides the sufficient gate input voltage to drive the IRF540 N-type MOSFETs (Q1, Q2) via resistors (R2, R3).

After a user connected externally a center-tapped transformer (TRF1 rating: 12V-0-12V,3A /220V,50Hz for 100W) to the inverter outputs, it initiates square wave oscillations in the primary winding (12-0-12). The standard recovery rectifier diodes (D2, D3) are used with the MOSFETs to prevent back-emf from the transformer's primary winding.

In Case-1. When the IC's pin (Q) generates a high output pulse, the 12V input supply flows through the primary winding (12-0) and completes the circuit via the drain-source of MOSFET (Q1) to the ground. Initially, mutual induction is induced and converted into a step-up +220V in the secondary winding.

In Case-2. When the pin (_Q) generates a inverse high output pulse, the 12V input supply flows through the primary winding (0-12) and completes the circuit via the drain-source of MOSFET (Q2) to the ground. Similarly, mutual induction is induced and converted into a step-up -220V in the secondary winding.

Hence, the above osilation create a 220V AC voltage in the secondary of the transformer (TRF1), the output can be stabilized using a capacitor (C2). This way, the CD4047-based 100W inverter, combined with a 12V 3A center-tapped transformer, converts the 12V DC input into a 50Hz/60Hz square wave 220V AC output.

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